【正是”性”不同 – 國際不再恐同日(香港區)2018】
今年,為響應國際不再恐同日2018的全球關注議題’Alliances for Solidarity’,性小眾除了和內部盟友團結,亦同時要察覺及連結支援其他社會上的小眾。
【Absolute Diversity – IDAHO+ (Hong Kong) 2018】
Our theme this year responses to the international theme “Alliances for Solidarity”. Apart from the allied members, we have to give awareness and to connect with the other minorities in the society.
With our theme “Absolute Diversity” this year we have invited various representatives from different local sexual minorities organisations to set up their exhibition booths. The event also includes an exhibition area on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) issues. We sincerely hope through the process of understanding and communication, hatred and misunderstanding to the queer community could be reduced and citizens’ awareness of LGBT rights could be raised.
Date: 12 May 2018 (Sat)
Time: 2:00pm-5:00pm
Venue: East Point Road, Causeway Bay (Pedestrian Street)
Content: Activities and Game Booths, Exhibitions on SOGI theme