性小眾議題十分廣泛,涉及經濟教育、經濟、婚姻及平權等各種議題,但相關的社區資源十分零散。有見及此,今年大同 Gay Harmony 將於2018年11月16日(星期五)及18日(星期日),聯同 女角平權協作組( Les Corner Empowerment Association)於 Hotel Icon 唯港薈 舉辦《權益與健康LGBT+議題交流會議2018》。
報名: https://goo.gl/forms/x1e3pN1BYoVddA0A2
查詢: ghlcconference2018@gmail.com / Facebook inbox 我們 / 9877 8308 (Jack)
As there is an increasing number of discussion recently concerning LGBT issues such as education, economics, marriage and human rights in the Greater China region, there is still a limited number of training services and promotion for those parties providing LGBT services. In order to raise the public awareness on LGBT issues and education in the society, Gay Harmony together with Les Corner Empowerment Association will hold a ‘Health and Rights for LGBT+ Conference 2018’ at Hotel Icon on November 16 (Friday) and November 18 (Sunday). We hope those who provide LGBT services could make use of this opportunity to bring in new inspirations for the LGBT community.
The two days of conference aims to share LGBT+ rights and health issues to different parties. Apart from the topics being discussed in the conference, we also have poster presentations from various related groups to share their working experience concerning the LGBT+ community.
November 16, 2018 -Professionals from Taiwan and Hong Kong will share and exchange their experiences. We noticed the limited number of training services for LGBT+ service providers so we hope this conference can act as a platform for them to bring in and share their related working experience. There will be a session for open discussion at the end of the conference.
November 18, 2018-Representatives from the Department of Health, local LGBT+ service providers and organizations from Taiwan and Hong Kong will share their working experiences related to the LGBT+ community. We hope to bring out new inspirations on LGBT+ issues through different aspects reflecting the lives of the LGBT+ community and that Hong Kong could become a LGBT+ friendly city.
Enrollment: https://goo.gl/forms/x1e3pN1BYoVddA0A2
Inquiry: ghlcconference2018@gmail.com / Facebook inbox Us / 9877 8308 (Jack)